ePadLink ePad Universal Installer 13.3
Date: 2023/05/09 8:56:00 -0800 (Tuesday, May 9, 2023)
© 2023 ePadLink
All Rights Reserved


This file contains instructions and known issues related to the ePadLink ePad product line applications and hardware.

Information in this file is organized in the following sections:

Operating System Support

Backward Compatible
General Installation Instructions

Silent or Unattended Installation

Map Inking Region Only (ePad-ink)
ePad-vision Images

ePad-vision Downloadable Font
Known Issues

ePad-ink "Disappears" Off Of the USB Bus
ePad-ink Display May Not Clear When the Computer Is Shut Down or Restarted
ePad-ink May Fail to Open on Some Computers
Cannot Set Screensaver Option During Initialization (ePad-ink)

Cannot sign on ePad device connected to Windows 8.1

ePad-vision Control Panel dialog disappears when browsing for image files

Contact Information



Operating System Support

Universal Installer 13 provides support for Windows 11 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 10 (32 bit and 64 bit), Windows 8.1 (32 bit and 64 bit). Windows Server 2016, 2019 and 2022.

It supports the following ePad models:

·  ePad USB

·  ePad Serial

·  ePad II

·  ePad-ink

·  ePad-vision


Backward Compatible

The prior UI 12.x was built on Microsoft .NET 3.5. The new UI13.3 was built on the Microsoft .NET 4.8. The application built on the UI 12.x might not have a config file along with the application or the config file may not support Microsoft .NET 4.8. Therefore, it cannot run with the UI13.3.

To resolve this issue, the user should create a config file along with the application or modify the existing application’s config file to include the following contents.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>



<supportedRuntime version="v4.0" sku=".NETFramework,Version=v4.8"/>




General Installation Instructions

To install this ePad System Software, Download the software from our website and follow the instructions to complete the installation of the ePad software.  

Silent or Unattended Installation

Installation can be automated by using response files. To generate a response file, run setup.exe on a typical target machine as follows:

** These commands should be typed into a command prompt window or the Windows Run dialog (accessible by clicking Start --> Run). Replace <full_path_to_setup> with the fully qualified path and file name where setup.exe is located (e.g., d:\setup.exe). Replace <full_path_to_response_file> with the fully qualified path and file name where the response file is to be created/read from (e.g., c:\response.in).

<full_path_to_setup> /r /f1"<full_path_to_response_file>"

Configure the installation as you want all targets to be configured. When setup completes successfully it will create the response file at the location specified.

To run the installer silently, issue the following command on the client machine(s) (this assumes you've copied setup.exe and the generated response file to the client):

<full_path_to_setup> /s /f1"<full_path_to_response_file>"


Map Inking Region Only (ePad-ink)

This option will result in data only being reported within the specified inking region of the device. The data is rescaled so that unity is within this region. Note that no data reports will occur outside this region when this option is enabled.


ePad-vision Images

The ePad-vision has the ability to store up to ten screensaver images and one signature background image in its memory. These images can be managed via the ePad-vision Control Panel, which can be found in the Windows Control Panel. ePadLink recommends using images that are sized to 480x272 pixels to avoid distorting the images appearance on the device.


ePad-vision Downloadable Font

The ePad-vision has the ability to store up to twenty-five System Independent Format (SIF) fonts in its external memory (Flash or RAM). SIF fonts can be created using the FontGen.exe program located at the ePad/Tools/ePad-vision folder. These SIF fonts can be managed via the ePad-vision Control Panel, which can be found in the Windows Control Panel.  Please refer to the Local Font Manager User Manual at the Tools/ePad-vision folder for detailed instructions.


Known Issues

In firmware versions 1.00 and earlier contact with the touchscreen while performing I/O to the device (such as transferring a background image) may result in the device failing to respond over the USB bus. The end result is that device functionality will be lost. To recover:



If the computer is shut down or restarted while an application is using an ePad-ink unit, the display may not be cleared. The display should be refreshed the next time an application initializes it or it can be manually cleared by unplugging the unit and then plugging it back in.

On at least some HP / Compaq PC's we have observed that the process EAUSBKBD.EXE will open the ePad-ink preventing our system software from using the pad. The solution to this is to:


The screensaver option fails when attempting to set it while initializing the pad. To change the default screensaver behavior, set the option after the pad has been initialized.

Since Windows 8.1, Microsoft has introduced a new power management method for USB devices to reduce power consumption on mobile computers. This approach may suspend the ePad device or show delay on signature capture. To solve this issue, the SetPowerManageField.exe, located in the ePadLink/ePad folder, may set the EnhancedPowerManagementEnabled field in the registry with proper value then reset the device to apply the changes made in registry. For further information, please see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2900614/en-us.

To solve this problem, open the control panel with administrator privilege by launching the command prompt with administrator or Windows PowerShell(Admin) then enter Control Panel to start the control panel with admin right.


Contact Information

Questions concerning this product should be addressed to ePadLink Technical Support at:

Corporate Headquarters:
875 Patriot Dr., Unit A
Moorpark, CA 93021, USA

ePadLink acknowledges all trade names and trademarks used
in this document as the property of their respective owners.